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Special Water
Customized For Your Wellness
with The Kazutama REIWA
Hado-Imprinted Water
For Abundant Life

KAZUTAMA REIWA Eng ver. Debut!

《Life-Changing Hado Water》

The energy of consciousness behind thoughts and words work harmoniously on the structure of the water molecules.

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Hado water = special water with a structure and vibration that harmonizes the body and mind


Easy & Smooth to operate, Portable, Versatile, and Enhance spirituality...

Body, Mind, and Soul

Kazutama Reiwa navigates your rich life!!

More information needed about Kazutama Reiwa,

Did you know that anyone can easily make Hado water that leads to harmony and abundance of body, mind, and soul at home?

What are you looking for in your life?

  • ​Physical wellness

  • Clarity of thought and concentration

  • Energetic and attractive self

  • Improved body performance

  • Peace of mind

  • Abundant creativity

  • Improved academic performance

  • Improved spirituality

Do you have any of the following problems?

ー Feelings of depression and hopelessness - Feelings of anxiety or worry

ー Feelings of anxiety or worry

ー Irritability or restlessness

ー Having trouble sleeping

ーRelationship issues

ー Feelings of loneliness or isolation

ー No or low energy

ー Lack of self-confidence

There is a way to improve the quality of life by changing the balance of body and mind at a deep level of consciousness.

Hado Water is the answer!


Hado water cancels negative Hado information that exists in your consciousness and leads you back to your original state of being.

According to Professor Dr. Gerald Pollack of the University of Washington water, in a certain state, memorizes electromagnetic information.


In addition to the three phases of water (liquid, solid, and gaseous), Dr. Pollack asserts that there is another phase of water known as the fourth phase of water. This phase is structurally capable of storing electromagnetic wave information. Surprisingly, most of our body fluids are composed of this fourth phase of water.

Let us begin to transform the information stored in the water in your body into something harmonious!!


You can now enjoy life-changing Hado water at home easily.

The Kazutama REIWA, completely designed and made in Japan, allows you to make your own Hado water.


What is the Kazutama REIWA?

The Kazutama REIWA measures the energy field at the etheric and astral levels of the human body and determines the turbulent vibrations that are out of harmony in the energy field. The Kazutama REIWA measures the energy field at the etheric and astral levels of the human body and determine the turbulent vibrations that are out of harmony in the energy field. The Kazutama REIWA is a Hado device that can "imprint" (make Hado water) or send remote healing with the adjusted Hado to achieve the ideal Hado balance.

It is very easy to use!

The Kazutama REIWA measures your vibrations.

When you select the menu, press the "measure" button, and put your hand on the device.

The measurement takes less than a minute.


Next, simply choose to make either Hado water or select healing.

Let us begin to transform the information stored in the water in your body into something harmonious!!


You can now enjoy life-changing Hado water at home easily.

The Kazutama REIWA, completely designed and made in Japan, allows you to make your own Hado water.


Hado water takes only a few minutes to imprint while healing does not have a time limit,

meaning you can use the healing function for an unlimited amount of time, anytime that is best for you.

For healing,
the Kazutama REIWA can also be applied directly to a body part of concern.

you can apply the "quantum entanglement phenomenon" to send remote healing to a person,
pet or to an object at a distance.
To do this, simply put a photo or written name
on a piece of paper on the Kazutama REIWA

Both Hado water and healing modes produce programmed Hado just for you every time.

The Kazutama REIWA employs a total and complete approach to your body, mind, and soul.


The Kazutama REIWA creates Hado water

reflecting the laws of the universe.

Hado operating Master, Seiichiro Yoshinouchi, is the developer of the Kazutama REIWA.
was a disciple of and worked side by side

with Dr. Emoto.

The results of their work together led Mr. Yoshinouchi to pursue a more effective method of Hado measurement, thus developing his own method and theory
based on the concept of Hado theory

first introduced by Dr. Emoto.

The Kazutama Theory is a program
that achieves a high degree of harmony through the laws of the universe is integrated into the Hado equipment of the Kazutama REIWA.

The Kazutama Theory is a teaching
that applies the wisdom of Japanese "Ancient Shinto" which is all about balance and harmony

with universe and nature.

By implementing this system, it is possible to "program" a single area of concern and get to its root cause with the thousands of related Hado codes.

The problem and its answer are neither singular nor simple,
but the solutions to all issues involve a multiplicity of relative factors.
It is now possible to approach such subtle areas of energy
and provide correction to the field through corrective, subtle vibratory rates.

A Message from Seichiro Yoshinouchi,
the inventor of Kazutama Reiwa.


KAZUTAMA = Law of the Universe

This process is reflected in the magic square display on the Kazutama REIWA, and is programmed with the corrective, corresponding Hado codes determined by each individual Hado measurement.

※Note that only the higher-end models of the Kazutama device can display the magic square.

Other uses of Kazutama REIWA include:

1. Making Hado water

2. Sending direct or remote healing

3. Purification of spaces and items

Of the 35 menus in the Kazutama REIWA, the menu featuring the energy of

"Home/Land Energy"
is used to purify and heal the space.
We can change the space of your room,
shop, office, etc. into a more harmonious
and comfortable environment.
You can use this before or during various types of work, important meetings, sessions, or academic work.

4. Delivering the Power of Prayer to the World


You can use the "World Peace" menu to deliver the power of pure prayer to the world. This menu contributes

to positively effect the information in the collective consciousness of humanity. It is also useful as a background feature for meditation.

35 Menus of Kazutama REIWA

You can choose from the 35 program menus as follows:

Katie Rodriguez

《1》Programs for


*Fundamental Wellness *Sleep *Healthy Weight Loss *Allergy *Infectious Disease Countermeasures
*Pain Treatment *Joints *Skeletal Health. *Muscles *Eyesight *Hearing *Oral Health *Nervous System *Respiratory System *Digestive System

*Urological System

*Hormonal Balance *Skin *Hair *Male Affability *Female Affability *Fertility

《2》Programs for


*Mental Wellbeing *Promote Love & Marriage *Relationships *Protection *Vocation=Career, Life Purpose *Financial Abundance *Competitiveness *Academic Progress and Achievement *Overcome Tobacco Dependency

Katie Rodriguez

《3》Programs for


*Chakra System

*Mental Well-Being *Protection

《4》Programs for


*World Peace
*Electromagnetic Wave Countermeasures

*Home/Land Energy for Space Clearing and Items

《5》Programs for


Protect your love ones from babies to pets by Kazutama REIWA

Testimonials for Kazutama Reiwa

Headache and back pain were GONE!"  (Female at 50s)

I have been using "Kazutama REIWA" for about a month and would like to share my experience. I will soon be 52 years old, and I was concerned that my hormones are about to be depleted. I had a headache and backache that I had never felt before. Then, when I drank Hado Water for “hormonal balance”, my menstrual period that did not come for 2 month came. At the same time, my headache, backache, and stiff shoulders disappeared. I have high hopes for "Kazutama REIWA" to help me live through this period loosely and lightly.

Got financial and job support! ( female at 60’s)

I have a small store and I made "relationships" Hado water and tried it out. I made a connection with a person who came to the store, and although I was having trouble with my job, he introduced me to a job through him.


Next, I told one of my customers about Kazutama REIWA and she was interested in "increasing her financial fortune", so I made and gave her a Hado water for that. She was in financial trouble because of a decrease in work due to the social situation. After she drank Hado water that I made for her, she received an extra income from an unexpected source. I have not heard the details of the amount, but it seemed to be quite large.

This enabled her to pay off her overdue payments. Kazutama Reiwa is really magical tool for me!

It is SO useful for my family! " (Female at 40s)

The "REIWA" has been working great and I have been making Hado water for my family every day. I made Hado water for “skeletal health” for my son, who suffered an avulsion fracture of his ankle and it worked well. I was surprised to find that my waist had somehow become narrower with the "Healthy weight loss" Hado water, and when my knee and arm joints were aching, I drank the "Joints" Hado water, which relieved the pain. My husband had problems with blood pressure due to his age, so I immediately made him "Fundamental Wellbeing" and "Nerve system" Hado water and gave it to him to drink. Kazutama Reiwa is really useful and we love it!

Remote healing revives an elderly dog!" (Male at 50s)

I purchased the "Kazutama REIWA" and I was asked to heal my friend’s elderly dog then I had healed remotely the dog for two days. The dog, who could not even stand up, was able to stand firmly after the remote healing. My friend was able to shampoo her dog’s hair standing up, which she could not do unless he was put on a wheelchair! She was so excited to report that! It's amazing to see the dog getting better so quickly! And, she also reported that her dog always coughs in the middle of the night, slept soundly until morning. But she who sleeps with him also had a good sleep for the first time in a long time! She was happy. Animals don't have doubts or negative feelings like humans do, so I think it is easier to get the desired effect.

'My fear of other people eased then I have a new dream!"  (Female at 40s)

My fear of people, which had been unrelieved by various methods for decades, has faded away unbelievably after I drank Hado water for “Relationships”  Now I even look forward to meeting people, and it is as if my world is expanding. It is just like a dream that the day will come when I can enjoy talking with people, which I have dreamed of for many years. I have a new dream that I want to be a person who can help others. Thank you so much.

My son in law got a job through remote healing!  (Female at 60s)

I heard that my son-in-law's translation work has decreased due to the effects of Corona pandemic and I was worried. Yesterday, I sent remote healing by Kazutama Reiwa for “Financing abundance” to him. Then, I just received an email from my daughter saying that he’s got a big job! I was happy to hear from her. The result came in so quick! But I have a lot of good things happened by Hado water made by Kazutama Reiwa so I had high expectations.


Easy & Smooth to operate, Portable, Versatile, and Enhance spirituality...

Body, Mind, and Soul

Kazutama Reiwa navigates your rich life!!

More information needed about Kazutama Reiwa,

© 2023 Office Masaru Emoto | All rights reserved.

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